Wednesday, May 20, 2020

MS Build Developer Conference 2020. – Some important announcements

MS Build Developer Conference 2020. – Some important announcements

News 1#

Per the Azure portal, Microsoft has 58 Azure regions worldwide and available in 140 countries. As per MS Build 2020, it is announced that Microsoft has extended 3 more Azure regions which is a great leap in cloud computing. As per the latest announcement, the number has reached to 61. Wow…

It has officially left AWS and Google behind the race. As per MS-Build 2020 conference, the Azure alone has more regions than AWS and Google together. The below snapshot gives more clarity.

The Azure lovers would celebrate this for sure.


News 2#

Microsoft has announced, “Azure Static Web Apps” in this developer conference. This is an awesome service provided by Microsoft Azure team. It is a great work behind delivering this super cool service.

Microsoft Azure and GitHub came together and jointly given the privilege to developer community to automatically builds and deploys full-stack web apps to Azure from a GitHub repository.

The GitHub Actions workflow works in the background. When you create an Azure static web application, Azure sets-up a GitHub actions workflow in the application’s source code repository that looks at the code branch of developer’s wish. Whenever the developer commits any changes to the repository, the GitHub actions invokes and build the application and if successful then immediately deploys the application and its API to Azure. So cool… I’m sure, it would make the developers’ life super easy.


News 3#

Introducing Azure Synapse Link.

It is a cloud-native implementation of hybrid transaction analytical processing (HTAP). The background of innovation of Azure Synapse Link was the various boundaries in enterprise data warehousing and big data analytics which were first tried removing through the Azure Analytics in November 2019. But there were several other barriers carried forwarded which attracts the cost and complex HTAP implementation.

Azure Synapse Link has the capability to trash the barriers between Azure Operational Database services and Azure Synapse Analytics.


Key take-aways:

  • 1      Enable real-time data analytics
  • 2      No ETL required
  • 3      No performance impact on the database

Some other great announcements are:

  • a     Accelerating enterprise app development with Power Platform
  • b    Various enhancements in Visual Studio Code
  • c        Visual Studio Codespaces is coming to GitHub
  • d       .Net 5 Preview 4 released

And there are some more…

Hope you enjoyed the quick reference of the most important announcements by Microsoft.

Happy reading!

 Abhishek Maitrey

Twitter: @abhimaitrey

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Create Web App using ARM Template

Learn how to create a web app using ARM template in just 11 minutes. The primary focus is on using Parameters and Variable in ARM template.

Crack Interview on git with hands-on exercises Part 1


The core objective of this article is to share the different ways of asking git related questions in the interviews. I have tried my best to cover basic to experienced level questions. I know covering all git topics are not possible in a single article, therefore, I decided to prepare a series of articles. I’m sure you shall understand git quite easily and it will be helpful for you to crack the git questions.

Please note: I’ve Microsoft Windows operation system in my computer therefore my practical examples will follow the Windows git command pattern.

Best of luck in advance…

What do you know about git? Or

Can you give a brief introduction of git? Or

Have you used git? If yes, what is that?


·        It is Distributed Version Control System

·        It is a Command-Line tool

·        It works in the terminal window and get integrated with PowerShell, Command Prompt terminal

·        Git basically takes an image of what all your files look like at that moment and stores a reference to that snapshot.

·        Though git works in distributed and disconnected mode (until you explicitly push the changes to remote), mostly it works locally.

How can we install git?


a.     Download git from its official site

Download the latest version of git according to the operating server you have in your computer.

git is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems. The installation is quite straight forward. Just follow the Wizard instructions and do it.

b.     Install through package manager

git can also be installed through chocolatey package manager.

Follow the

To install Git, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:

 Screen1: Steps of git installation using Chocolatey

How to check the git version using CLI?

Using command prompt or PowerShell, the command is

git version


git –version

Both would return the same result.

Do we have git GUI tools for our operating systems?

Indeed, there are a variety of GUI tools are available for Windows, MacOS, and Linux for computer operating systems and few are for Android and iOS mobile operating systems. Though git is a Command-Line (CL) based utility there are various GUI available to use git.

I’ve worked upon the following very popular git GUIs and as per my preference of usage, I have kept these in chronological order.

GUI name

Supported OS

Link to download



Windows, Mac



Windows, Mac, Linux

Free for non-commercial users else paid

GitHub Desktop

Windows, Mac



Windows, Mac



How to start working on git?

Before start using git, you must recall that git is a version control system and git has an additional privilege to keep version tracking locally and remotely. So, if you are configuring git, it will manage the repository locally. So, let get started…

I assume, currently, we don’t have anything linked with a remote repository and solely working LOCALLY.

Step 1: Go to your working directory. Initialize the git repository using the following command.

D:\Learning\git>git init LearningProject

This command will initialize the empty git repository in your current working directory.

Once successfully initialized, git will create a hidden directory in your working directory called “.git” and a new folder with your defined project name will be created. In our case it will be “LearningProject”.

Note: It is very very important to understand that the .git hidden folder is the real mechanism that manages all the git related operations on your repository. For a beginner, it is not really necessary to understand the .git folder in detail but for an experienced person, one should at least know some basics.

The .git hidden folder consists of various sub-folders and files. We may have a super quick look.

hooks: Git hooks folder consists of the scripts that are executed before or after the events

info: it contains the exclude file. We’ll discuss .gitignore sometime later.

objects: A much important folder that contains saved content as the hash value.

refs: contains references and tags information

config: This file contains all the configuration you would set for your project is saved permanently in this file like username, email, etc. 

description: this file contains the data about the repositories which can be seen on GitWeb only

HEAD: Head file contains the reference to the branch we are currently working on it.

Step 2:

Put the content in the project folder. Git does not bother what kind of project are you keeping under it.

This could be any type of files or a complete project irrespective of any programming language.


Stopping this article here and would come back in Part 2 article with followings:

·        Config git for global usage in your system

·        Create dot net project and apply git commands for version control

Thanks for reading. Happy learning!


Abhishek Maitrey

Twitter: @abhimaitrey

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Friday, May 15, 2020

Use of Variables In Terraform

StorageAccount using Azure ARM || Part-1 ||

Git Version Control Introduction

Learn Git quickly

Essentials to Create a Virtual Machine using PowerShell on Azure


There are various options/parameters which would be used while creating a Virtual Machine either by using Azure Portal or by using Powershell AZ module
  • Powershell 6+
  • Az Module
In this section, we’ll discuss the following parameters:
  1. Resource Group Name
    It is a kind of virtual container. Each resource in Azure should be assigned to a Resource Group

  2. Virtual Machine Name
    That is the user’s choice. You can keep any name for your virtual machine.

  3. Location
    In which location do you want to spin-up your virtual machine? Azure has various regions across the globe. It is advised to read about latency and available services in different Azure regions beforehand.

  4. Virtual Network Name
    You can either create a new virtual network or assign the existing one to your virtual machine

  5. Subnet Name
    The subnet is an integral part of a virtual network. You can either create a new subnet or assign the existing subnet to your virtual machine

  6. Security Group Name
    The Network Security Group is also known as Firewall. It protects from direct access to your virtual machine. It could be directly assigned to a virtual machine or the subnet. That is a design choice.

  7. Public IP Address Name
    It is the address through which this machine could be accessed

  8. Open Ports
    If you want various options to allow your virtual machine to be accessed like HTTP, HTTPS, RDP, etc.

    Port 80 is for HTTP, Port 443 is for https (secure connection), Port 3389 for RDP access.

Create a VM using Powershell

Ensure you have 6.0.0 or above Powershell version installed and the AZ module installed before running the command on Powershell:
C:\> New-AzVM -ResourceGroupName “azrgdemo” -Name “azvmdemomachine” -Location “EastUS” -VirtualNetworkName “azvnetdemo” -SubnetName “default” -SecurityGroupName “azdemoNSG” -PublicIpAddressName “azdemoipaddr” -OpenPorts 80,3389,443
Though there are a couple of other optional parameters that you could also pass in the command, such as Tags, however, I have skipped this for this moment.
When you run the above command, the Powershell will ask for the credentials
User: abhishekmaitrey
Password for user abhishekmaitrey: **********
Now the Powershell AZ module will execute this command and start the VM creation process. This activity may take some time. Once the command has executed successfully, you will be notified with some detailed information on a new virtual machine. You should see the following:
  • Virtual Machine Id – It is generally a hashed value like GUID
  • Fully Qualified Domain Name